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Meet the Most Trusted Stock Market "Buy & Sell" Analytics Platform


82%+ Win Rate Since 1990!

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Buy & Sell Signals

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The TOMO Model Has Outperformed The SP500 Every Year Since 1990!

Daily Buy And Sell Signals


We Provide Daily Stock Market Signals:

1. What To Buy

2. When To Buy

3. When To Sell

Average Time In Trade: Less Than 15 Days

Average Profit Per Winning Trade: 3.9%


>96% Annualized equivalent of capital at risk*

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*Based on back-tested model since 1990

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Introducing: A NEW Way to Trade


Your search for navigating the stock market has never been easier with groundbreaking education and a simple approach to trading the markets using the power of a Wall Street style predictive model.


Proprietary Data Analytics


The TOMO engine determines buy and sell signals based on tracking institutional money flow. The data points include volume momentum, price movement, velocity and volatility over various time frames. 

Several hours after the close of the stock market, the TOMO database is updated and the daily buy/sell scans are performed. The updated buy and sell signals are then uploaded to this website for your education and use.

Easy Steps to TOMO Success


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Disclaimer: (“tradeonmyown” or “we” or “us”) is not registered as an investment adviser. Tradeonmyown relies upon the “publishers’ exclusion” from the definition of investment adviser under Section 202(a)(11) of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 and corresponding state securities laws. As such, Tradeonmyown does not offer or provide personalized advice. We publish information about companies in which we believe our readers may be interested and this information reflects our sincere opinions.  The information that we provide or that is derived from our website is not intended to be, and should not be construed in any manner whatsoever as, personalized advice. Also, our website and the information provided by us should not be construed by any subscriber or prospective subscriber as Tradeonmyown’s solicitation to effect, or attempt to effect, any transaction in a security.  Investments in the securities markets, and especially in options and futures, are speculative and involve substantial risk. The information that we provide or that is derived from our website should not be a substitute for advice from an investment professional. We encourage you to obtain personal advice from your professional investment adviser and to make independent investigations before acting on the information that you obtain from or derive from our website/emails. Only you can determine what level of risk is appropriate for you. All trading involves risk. Leveraged trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. Be aware and accept this risk before trading. Never trade with money you cannot afford to lose.  All forecasting is based on statistics derived from past performance and past performance of any trading methodology is no guarantee of future results. No “safe” trading system has ever been devised and no one can guarantee profits or freedom from loss. No representation is being made that any account will achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed. There is no guarantee that, even with the best advice available, you will become a successful trader because not everyone has what it takes to be a successful trader.  The trading strategies discussed may be unsuitable for you depending upon your specific investment objectives and financial position. You must make your own investment decisions in light of your own investment objectives, risk profile, and circumstances. Use independent advisers, as you believe necessary. Therefore, the information provided herein is not intended to be specific advice as to whether you should engage in a particular trading strategy or buy, sell, or hold any financial product. Margin requirements, tax considerations, commissions, and other transaction costs may significantly affect the economic consequences of the trading strategies or transactions discussed and you should review such requirements with your own legal, tax and financial advisers.  Before engaging in such trading activities, you should understand the nature and extent of your rights and obligations and be aware of the risks involved. All testimonials are unsolicited and are potentially nonrepresentative of all clients. Your trading results may vary from those case studies detailed on the website, and emails. is not a broker or licensed investment adviser and therefore is not licensed to tailor general investment advice for individual traders. Your actions and the results of your actions in regard to anything you receive from is entirely your own responsibility. cannot and will not assume liability for any losses that may be incurred by the use of any information received from Tradeonmyown. Any such liability is hereby expressly disclaimed.

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